Influential senses.


According to the way our natural senses function colour is the most influential, followed by shapes, symbols, and finally words. I seem to have recently worked on a lot of projects which use the colour green.

5 top brands I instantly think of that use the colour green are Starbucks, AO, WhatsApp, Spotify and Heineken.

What does the colour green represent?

Green, the colour of life, renewal, nature, and energy, is associated with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility, and environment. Green is also traditionally associated with money, finances, banking and ambition.

The colour green has healing power and is understood to be the most restful and relaxing colour for the human eye to view. Green can help enhance vision, stability and endurance. Green takes up more space in the spectrum visible to the human.

Green also stands for new growth and rebirth, common in the spring season when all of the plants are coming back to life with fresh growth and life after the cold winter months.

The colour green affects us physically and mentally in several different ways. Green is soothing, relaxing, and youthful. Green is a colour that helps alleviate anxiety, depression, and nervousness. Green also brings with it a sense of hope, health, adventure, and renewal, as well as self-control, compassion, and harmony.

Used effectively, colour theory is one of the most powerful tools a designer can possess.

What colour is your company? 
What does the colour mean?


Fancy a font?

